Title: The Action of the Saint Sava Society on the Formation of Identity among Serbs in Old Serbia and Macedonia
Abstract:The Serbs in Old Serbia and Macedonia in the late 19th century, in national terms, were not recognized by the Turkish authorities. Their position in this region made it difficult for the Bulgarian and...The Serbs in Old Serbia and Macedonia in the late 19th century, in national terms, were not recognized by the Turkish authorities. Their position in this region made it difficult for the Bulgarian and Greek propaganda and armed troops of Albanians, so the Serbs had to struggle to defend themselves and defend their national identity. One aspect of this struggle was the educational and cultural activity reflected in the establishment and development of the Serbian primary and secondary schools, the establishment of bookstores, and church-school communities. Support in all this was given by t he educational institutions, which had the task of minimizing foreign influences and using the potentials at their disposal to achieve national integrity. Thanks to their existence, at least for a short time, it seemed that the prevailing attitude was that the Serbs in those areas at the same time formed a bridge and an insurmountable gap between East and West. Besides the State government, support in dealing with educational issues was given by the Saint Sava Association established at the initiative of Svetomir Nikolajevic, professor of History and Literature at the Great School. Academic, political, and national activities of the Association were expressed through the establishment and work of Saint Sava evening, Preparatory and Theological-Teaching School in Belgrade.Read More