Title: Metodologi Penulisan Sheikh Muhammad Salim Muhaysin Dalam Kitab al-Mustanir Fi Takhrij Al-Qiraat Min Haythu Al-Lughah Wa Al-I’rab Wa Al-Tafsir
Abstract:Kitab al-Mustanir fi Takhrij al-Qiraat Min Haythu al-Lughah wa Al-I'rab wa al-Tafsir by Sheikh Muhammad Salim Muhaysin is one of the useful contributions to the discipline of reading. The work focuses...Kitab al-Mustanir fi Takhrij al-Qiraat Min Haythu al-Lughah wa Al-I'rab wa al-Tafsir by Sheikh Muhammad Salim Muhaysin is one of the useful contributions to the discipline of reading. The work focuses on takhrij qiraat asyarah which is mutawatir from the point of view of language, I'rab and tafsir. In addition, knowledge of tawjih is one of the knowledges that become a link or key in understanding a reading of qiraat. Thus, this article aims to discuss and highlight the methodology of writing the book more closely and effectively. The production of this article depends a lot on the analysis of documents sourced from the works of Sheikh Muhammad Salim Muhaysin as primary sources and qiraat books or related journals as supporting data. The results of the writing show that one of the advantages of the book is through an easy-to-understand description as well as a simple and compact language because this work does not include a lengthy discussion about other recitation problems. Therefore, it is very useful if this book is used in the world of research and education today, especially those involving the integration between qiraat and other fields of knowledge.Read More