Title: Strategi Penghidupan dengan Perspektif Gender pada Rumah Tangga Nelayan Buruh di Kelurahan Kangkung, Lampung
Abstract:The livelihood of fishing laborers’ household rely on seasonal fluctuation of fish catchment and limited livelihood resources. To fulfill their daily needs they strategize by working on various inco...The livelihood of fishing laborers’ household rely on seasonal fluctuation of fish catchment and limited livelihood resources. To fulfill their daily needs they strategize by working on various income-generating activities that involve both male and female family members. The purpose of this study are to identify the livelihood resources of male and female household members, to describe the livelihood strategies among labor fisherman households, and to analyze the relationship between livelihood resources and livelihood strategies of fishing laborers households. This research used a combination of qualitative observations and in-depth interviews with a quantitative approach using a questionnaire (mixed method). The results of the study show that the most important livelihood resources for the fishing laborers households is social resources. The most utilized forms of strategy are the intensification and extensification of fishing-related activities, with men extending their time at sea whereas women borrow money from cooperative or moneylenders. All forms of livelihood resources significantly related to the livelihood strategies carried out by labor fishermen households.Read More