Title: Recombinant nanobodies detecting the human cardiac troponin proteins by ELISA
Abstract:We tested the capacity of antibodies RB733, RB734, RB766, RB767, RB768, RB769, RB770, RB771, RB772 and RB773 to recognize by ELISA three different molecular forms of the human cardiac troponin T isofo...We tested the capacity of antibodies RB733, RB734, RB766, RB767, RB768, RB769, RB770, RB771, RB772 and RB773 to recognize by ELISA three different molecular forms of the human cardiac troponin T isoform 6 (cTnT): an N-terminal peptide (Nter-cTnT), the full-length cTnT protein (FL-cTnT) and the cardiac troponin I-T-C complex (ITC-complex). Our results show that RB734 specifically recognizes the N-terminal region of cTnT as well as the full-length protein alone and the ITC-complex. RB767, RB770, RB771, RB772 and RB773 recognize the full-length cTnT protein alone or in the ITC-complex but not the N-terminal peptide. RB766, RB768 and RB769 recognize the ITC-complex but not cTnT or cardiac troponin I (cTnI) proteins.Read More