Title: Bengali Vote Bank Politics in Andaman & Nicobar Islands: A Conceptual Analysis
Abstract:Andaman and Nicobar Islands is an exemplary instance of unity in diversity in Indian society.It is the home of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural people who migrated from various parts of India.The major li...Andaman and Nicobar Islands is an exemplary instance of unity in diversity in Indian society.It is the home of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural people who migrated from various parts of India.The major linguistic group is the Bengali community, constitutes about 23%-25% of total population, have been occupied a significant position in the political domain of islands society.Bengali as a major community in rural Andaman has always been a determining force from Panchayat to Lok Sabha politics.The central leaderships of all major political parties have given due recognition to Bengali vote bank.Therefore, Bengali leaders were nominated in Lok Sabha, Pradesh Council as well as village level institutions.The Congress, BJP and other political parties could not overlook the Bengali vote bank which was a deciding factor.Hence, political parties always preferred the Bengali leaders to streamline their political roots in Islands society.Read More