Title: Hymenoptera Research in the Carpathian Basin (Hymenoptera: Aculeata)
Abstract:History of the Aculeata research in the Carpathian Basin is discussed. List of species described from the Carpathian Basin and bibliography of the research is provided from 1563 till our present days....History of the Aculeata research in the Carpathian Basin is discussed. List of species described from the Carpathian Basin and bibliography of the research is provided from 1563 till our present days. Chrysis leachii Schuckard, 1836 is syn. n. of Chrysis hungarica Scopoli, 1770. Pompilus lateritius Mocsáry, 1879 is revocated. Vespa heeriana nom. nov. is proposed as replacement name for Vespa crabroniformis Heer, 1867.Read More