Title: Dual Coil Patterned Ultra‐Thin Silicon Film Enable by Double‐Sided Process (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 16/2023)
Abstract:Double-Sided Microfabrication Handling ultra-thin silicon (UTS) has been challenging and current techniques are mostly limited to bonding UTS to another substrate. In article number 2300158, Chang Hee...Double-Sided Microfabrication Handling ultra-thin silicon (UTS) has been challenging and current techniques are mostly limited to bonding UTS to another substrate. In article number 2300158, Chang Hee Son, Sangyeop Lee, Placid M. Ferreira, and Seok Kim introduce a unique technology for freely handling UTS which enables double-sided processing. They fabricated a dual coil on UTS and demonstrated it functioning as an actuator reflecting a laser beam and also acting as an energy harvester.Read More