Title: In-vitro and In-silico Studies on the Anti-inflammatory Properties of Arecoline from Areca catechu L. Nut
Abstract:The development of anti-inflammatory medications that target NF-κB has received a lot of attention because NF-κB activation is also strongly linked to inflammatory illnesses.Therefore, the goal of the...The development of anti-inflammatory medications that target NF-κB has received a lot of attention because NF-κB activation is also strongly linked to inflammatory illnesses.Therefore, the goal of the current study is to examine the anti-inflammatory properties of Areca catechu L. nut extract.The stability of the red blood cell membrane, in silico analysis, and in vitro denaturation of albumin were all investigated.An anti-inflammatory impact on albumin denaturation inhibition and HRBC membrane stability at 1000 g/mL, comparatively low IC 50 value than normal, was seen in preliminary investigations utilising a single dose (10 mg/ml) of Areca catechu L. nut and its corresponding component arecoline.Arecoline's additional affinity for nuclear kappa factor B. These findings support the medical use of Areca catechu L. nut in inflammatory illnesses by demonstrating its anti-inflammatory.Read More