Title: Online Public Shaming on Social Media: Detection, Analysis and Mitigation
Abstract:Abstract: Social networking networks have billions of users worldwide. Users' participation in various social networking sites, like twitter, can occasionally have major and unfavourable effects on da...Abstract: Social networking networks have billions of users worldwide. Users' participation in various social networking sites, like twitter, can occasionally have major and unfavourable effects on day-to-day living. Large social media platforms have evolved into a place where users can spread a lot of unwanted and pointless content. Twitter, one of the biggest social media platforms ever, has become the most popular microblogging site for the spread of useless information. In this project idea, the duty of identifying public scandal on Twitter is changed. Spam and non spam are the two subcategories of embarrassing tweets. It is apparent that the majority of people who engage and provide comments on a particular incident have a tendency to defame the victim.Read More