Title: The implicit in the theatrical texts of Ali Abdul Nabi AL Zaidi (systematic study)
Abstract:This study represents an attempt to apply one of the epistemological illuminations which accompanied the stage of postmodernism, which is cultural criticism, which is one of the most prominent contemp...This study represents an attempt to apply one of the epistemological illuminations which accompanied the stage of postmodernism, which is cultural criticism, which is one of the most prominent contemporary intellectual currents This study sought to reveal the Systematic contents that Stagnant under the masks of the aesthetic and the cultural defacement and to work on the Extrapolation of its symbols and their cultural dimensions, as well as seeking to analyze four types of cultural patterns in the collection of theatrical texts by the writer Ali Abd ul-Nabi ul-Zaidi tagged (the return of the man who did not die) based on the critical approaches to cultural criticism, which is the shape (masculinity/virility) and the format (war / Loss), the format of (we and the other), and the format of (absurdity and futility) and studying them in their political, social, and cultural context, consider an imaginary text full of various cultural representations by answering a set of questions: - What are these invisible patterns, and how did Do Do they manifest themselves in theatrical discourse? What are the detection mechanisms? Does it have anything to do with criticizing the political, social and ideological situation in its lived.Read More