Title: Cover Picture: Aqueous Processable Two‐Dimensional Triazine Polymers with Superior Photocatalytic Properties (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 27/2023)
Abstract:A versatile noncovalent functionalization strategy has been developed for the large-scale preparation of aqueous processable high-quality semiconducting 2D triazine polymers. In their Research Article...A versatile noncovalent functionalization strategy has been developed for the large-scale preparation of aqueous processable high-quality semiconducting 2D triazine polymers. In their Research Article (e202301865), Yuxi Xu et al. demonstrate that the obtained crystalline ultrathin 2D triazine polymer nanosheets can not only be assembled into ultralight and mechanically strong macroscopic porous aerogels, but also show a new surface molecule doping effect to significantly improve the photocatalytic water splitting activity. A versatile noncovalent functionalization strategy has been developed for the large-scale preparation of aqueous processable high-quality semiconducting 2D triazine polymers. In their Research Article (e202301865), Yuxi Xu et al. demonstrate that the obtained crystalline ultrathin 2D triazine polymer nanosheets can not only be assembled into ultralight and mechanically strong macroscopic porous aerogels, but also show a new surface molecule doping effect to significantly improve the photocatalytic water splitting activity. Aqueous Batteries Nonlinear Optics Supramolecular Chemistry NanoparticlesRead More