Title: An Adaptive Learning Method Based on Knowledge Graph
Abstract:Massive learning resources make online learners in the dilemma of "knowledge maze", while manual planning of learning paths is inefficient and difficult to meet the personalized needs of learners. Tar...Massive learning resources make online learners in the dilemma of "knowledge maze", while manual planning of learning paths is inefficient and difficult to meet the personalized needs of learners. Targeted personalized service, propose an adaptive learning method based on KG(knowledge graph), build a student model and adaptive learning platform based on KG by using education big data, cloud computing and a new generation of artificial intelligence technology, and transform theoretical content into practical applications, so as to help teachers timely master the rhythm and focus of teaching, improve teaching methods, optimize teaching quality, and achieve precision education, differentiated teaching, personalized learning A new teaching system with intelligent services. This method can provide some theoretical support for educational applications such as precision teaching, intelligent learning diagnosis, and efficient education resource organization in the adaptive learning system.Read More