Title: Overpartitions and Bressoud's conjecture, II
Abstract:The main objective of this paper is to present an answer to Bressoud's conjecture for the case $j=0$, resulting in a complete solution to the conjecture. The case for $j=1$ has been recently resolved ...The main objective of this paper is to present an answer to Bressoud's conjecture for the case $j=0$, resulting in a complete solution to the conjecture. The case for $j=1$ has been recently resolved by Kim. Using the connection established in our previous paper between the ordinary partition function $B_0$ and the overpartition function $\overline{B}_1$, we found that the proof of Bressoud's conjecture for the case $j=0$ is equivalent to establishing an overpartition analogue of the conjecture for $j=1$. By generalizing Kim's method, we obtain the desired overpartition analogue of Bressoud's conjecture for $j=1$, which eventually enables us to confirm Bressoud's conjecture for the case $j=0$.Read More