Title: Deep associations: the symbiotic relationships between amphipods and large invertebrates from bathyal of the Sea of Okhotsk
Abstract:Deep-sea photos taken during the cruise of r/v "Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev" in the Sea of Okhotsk in 2013 revealed interesting symbiotic associations between marine amphipods (probably, Stenothoidae) an...Deep-sea photos taken during the cruise of r/v "Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev" in the Sea of Okhotsk in 2013 revealed interesting symbiotic associations between marine amphipods (probably, Stenothoidae) and predatory sponge Chondrocladia cf.lampadiglobus Vacelet, 2006 (Demospongia: Cladorhizidae) at a depth of 1587 m as and with large hydroids of the family Tubulariidae Goldfuss, 1818, probably Ectopleura L. Agassiz, 1862 or Tubularia Linnaeus, 1758, at a depth of 1580 m.These data represent the evidence of symbiotic relationships between amphipods and deep dwelling marine invertebrates as well as the first record of their relationship with a deep-sea predatory sponge of the family Cladorhizidae.Read More