Title: First record of the benthopelagic fish John dory Zeus faber (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Black Sea coasts of Türkiye
Abstract:In this study, a male specimen of John dory (Zeus faber) with 31.4 cm in total length and 365.43 g in body weight was caught with a trammel net at a depth of 15 m from Fener Island in the province of ...In this study, a male specimen of John dory (Zeus faber) with 31.4 cm in total length and 365.43 g in body weight was caught with a trammel net at a depth of 15 m from Fener Island in the province of Fatsa (Ordu, Black Sea). This record is the first verified report suggesting that John dory expanded its distribution in the Mediterranean towards the Geographical Sub-Area 29 (Black Sea).Read More