Title: Toxics in cosmetics: chemical properties, impact mechanism and clinical cases derived from major chemical components
Abstract:From pure natural ingredients to synthetic product, cosmetics have been used for centuries. To pursue beauty, the appearance of cosmetics is almost as old as the appearance of civilizations. People us...From pure natural ingredients to synthetic product, cosmetics have been used for centuries. To pursue beauty, the appearance of cosmetics is almost as old as the appearance of civilizations. People use various cosmetics, like nail products, hair products, perfumes, lipsticks, face creams, which could contain toxic substances that are detrimental to human health. Modern society drives people to pay more attention on their appearance, brings more concern about how to balance the perusing beauty with cosmetics between the potential harmful side effects along the use of cosmetics. Therefore, toxin substances from cosmetics should be understood when purchased by consumers. Current study talks about the four major types of toxic substances in cosmetics focusing on the precise chemical properties, biological mechanism as well as the following damages these toxins could cause. People should be reasonably alarmed and aware the potential risks when using cosmetics containing these toxins.Read More