Title: Grzegorczyk and Whitehead points: the story continues
Abstract:<title>Abstract</title> One of the main goals of region-based theories of space is to formulate a geometrically appealing definition of points. The paper is devoted to the analysis of two such seminal...<title>Abstract</title> One of the main goals of region-based theories of space is to formulate a geometrically appealing definition of points. The paper is devoted to the analysis of two such seminal definitions: Alfred N. Whitehead’s (1929) and Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s (1960). Relying on the work of Loredana Biacino’s and Ginagiacomo Gerla’s (1996), we improve their results, solve some open problems concerning the mutual relationship between Whitehead and Grzegorczyk points, and put forward open problems for future investigation. MSC: 00A30, 03G05, 06E25.Read More