Title: Analysis of the Genetic Distance of Several Generations of Barley (Hordeum valulgare L) by RAPD-PCR Technique
Abstract:Random-amplified-polymorphic-DNA(RAPD) was assayed to detect the genetic variation of 6 barley generations from Iraq. Four primers generated a total of 17 scoreable bands in RAPD analysis) and resolvi...Random-amplified-polymorphic-DNA(RAPD) was assayed to detect the genetic variation of 6 barley generations from Iraq. Four primers generated a total of 17 scoreable bands in RAPD analysis) and resolving power, the three polymorphic primers differed (Rp). The use of RAPD marker systems to detect the genetic distance among barley generation was discovered to be beneficial. The RAPD dendrograms indicate a diverse grouping of 6 barely specimens, although we did see that certain groups were identical in several cases. As a result, the RAPD molecular markers reveal two genetic groups in the few specimens examined. Keywords. Barley, Genetic variation, RAPD-PCR.Read More