Title: Aggregation Path Search using Multiple Large RDF Datasets with Equivalence Relations
Abstract:In the Semantic Web, items are represented by uniform resource identifiers (URIs) on the Web in order to describe relationships between things in resource description framework (RDF) graphs. Large sca...In the Semantic Web, items are represented by uniform resource identifiers (URIs) on the Web in order to describe relationships between things in resource description framework (RDF) graphs. Large scale open RDF data (linked data) describing information about various things are available. Hence, relational discovery research has been conducted using RDF data to explore relationships between things. The SPARQL protocol and RDF query language (SPARQL) is usually employed to process RDF data; however, SPARQL is not suitable for relational discovery using linked data because it is difficult to describe unknown vocabularies and relationships in SPARQL queries. In this paper, we propose an aggregation path search for RDF graphs as an extension of shortest path keyword search. The aggregation path search is devised to find RDF paths by merging multiple resource URIs into commonly reachable nodes in an RDF graph. This search method can discover new relationships between items that are connected by a common node. We present a method for treating equivalent resource URIs as a single resource URI; these equivalent URIs essentially represent the same thing based on equivalence relations in different RDF datasets. In our experiments, we show in the integration of multiple large scale RDF datasets that the integration of equivalent resources enables richer retrieval of aggregated paths.Read More