Title: Dicyanobenzothiadiazole (DCBT) Organic Dye as a Visible Light Absorbing Strong Photoinduced Oxidant with a 16 Microsecond Long‐Lived Excited State (Adv. Energy Mater. 2/2023)
Abstract:Photocatalytic Water Oxidation The art representing article number 2203102 by Nathan I. Hammer, Jared H. Delcamp, and co-workers depicts the organic molecular photosensitizer QL11-OEG being irradiated...Photocatalytic Water Oxidation The art representing article number 2203102 by Nathan I. Hammer, Jared H. Delcamp, and co-workers depicts the organic molecular photosensitizer QL11-OEG being irradiated with visible light under water. The strong photooxidant QL11-OEG is in a 16 microsecond long-lived excited state near a ruthenium-based water oxidation catalyst. QL11-OEG is oxidizing the ruthenium-based catalyst to drive the conversion of water molecules to molecular oxygen which is shown as bubbles rising to the surface.Read More