Title: Effect of Task Oriented Circuit Training Versus Trunk Rehabilitation on Balance, Trunk Control and Functional Ambulation in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Comparative Study
Abstract:Introduction: Stroke is the second or third most common cause of death, one of the main causes of adult disability worldwide and is global health problem. Stroke leads to impairments in balance, trunk...Introduction: Stroke is the second or third most common cause of death, one of the main causes of adult disability worldwide and is global health problem. Stroke leads to impairments in balance, trunk control and ambulation leading to increased disability. It is observed in few studies that task oriented circuit training and trunk rehabilitation training both are effective to improve balance, trunk control and ambulation in stroke patients. There are hardly any literatures that have been done to compare the effectiveness of task oriented circuit training and trunk rehabilitation on balance, trunk control and functional ambulation in chronic stroke patients. Method: In this study total 30 patients were selected and were allocated in two groups. Group A received task oriented circuit training and Group B received trunk rehabilitation for 4 weeks. Pre and post treatment balance, trunk control and functional ambulation were assessed using berg balance scale, trunk impairment scale and functional ambulatory category respectively. Results: Balance, trunk control and functional ambulation significantly improved (p <0.001. Comparison between groups showed that Task oriented circuit training was more effective in improving balance, trunk rehabilitation was more effective in improving trunk control and both were equally effective in improving functional ambulation in chronic stroke patients. Conclusion: Task oriented circuit training is more effective in improving balance, trunk rehabilitation is more effective in improving trunk control and both are equally effective in improving functional ambulation in chronic stroke patients. Key words: stroke, balance, trunk control, ambulation, circuit training, trunk rehabilitationRead More