Title: Combining Magic with Realism: Ben Okri’s Writing of Africa
Abstract:The magic in the works of Ben Okri is closely related to the influence of Yoruba culture in Nigeria. With his keen observation, rich imagination and inexhaustible creativity, he draws on the experienc...The magic in the works of Ben Okri is closely related to the influence of Yoruba culture in Nigeria. With his keen observation, rich imagination and inexhaustible creativity, he draws on the experience of African myths and legends, traces its origin to African culture, and presents an African picture with a combination of magic and realism. Based on Africa, Ben Okri portrays the real image of Africa from an objective and intuitive perspective. As the son of Africa, he tells a thought-provoking African story in an enlightening voice of Africa with a sense of responsibility, so as to realize his original intention of writing.Read More