Title: Communism Enlightenment and Dedication to His Country
Abstract:In his later years, Qian Xuesen had two framed items hanging in his bedroom: one was the portrait of his father, Qian Junfu, and the other was a traditional Chinese painting, entitled "A Corner of the...In his later years, Qian Xuesen had two framed items hanging in his bedroom: one was the portrait of his father, Qian Junfu, and the other was a traditional Chinese painting, entitled "A Corner of the West Lake", depicting his hometown scenery of the West Lake in Hangzhou. The painter was Jiang Danshu, a close friend of Qian Junfu. Jiang Danshu painted it in early spring of 1941 and sent it to Qian Xuesen, then far away in the United States. When Qian Xuesen returned to China in 1955, he brought the painting back. "Returning in another day" was an inscription on the painting, which also revealed the Qian Xuesen's original ideal in his pursuit of knowledge during his overseas years. This traditional Chinese painting was regarded as his lifelong treasure and was indeed of special significance to him.Read More