Title: Bosanski jezik i školstvo u Bosanskom vilajetu – sociolingvistički pristup
Abstract:BOSNIAN LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION IN THE BOSNIAN VILAYET – A SOCIOLINGUISTIC APPROACH Based on archival material and processing of indicated literature on language and education, the paper Historiographi...BOSNIAN LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION IN THE BOSNIAN VILAYET – A SOCIOLINGUISTIC APPROACH Based on archival material and processing of indicated literature on language and education, the paper Historiographically, analytically and critically deals with the sociolinguistic aspect of key issues of the status of mother tongue and domestic education in the social order established during the Bosnian Vilayet. Education in the period of the Bosnian Vilayet is especially important to study in the domain of the entire history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the context of the opening of the Vilayet Printing House and the intensification of the Bosnian written word in general, and especially bearing in mind that a systemic educational reform was carried out within the Ottoman administration during that period. Also, already in the middle of the 19th century, during the Bosnian Vilayet, processes of Serbian and Croatian nationalization appeared on Bosnian territory, which will give additional importance to the study of language and education from a sociolinguistic point of view. Keywords: Bosnian Vilayet, education, Bosnian language, Croatian language, Serbian language, ethno-national relationsRead More