Title: The Effect of Career Development and Training On Employee Performance With Compensation As An Intervening Variable At PT. Nagari Bank
Abstract:This study aims to determine how big the influence of Career Development and Training on Employee Performance through Compensation as an Intervening Variable at PT. Nagar Bank. The method used is Stru...This study aims to determine how big the influence of Career Development and Training on Employee Performance through Compensation as an Intervening Variable at PT. Nagar Bank. The method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) 3.0, with a total of 310 respondents. The results of data analysis concluded, there was a significant effect of Career Development variables on Compensation. There is a significant effect of the Training variable on the Compensation variable. There is no significant effect of Career Development variable on Employee Performance. There is a significant effect of the training variable on employee performance. There is a significant effect of the compensation variable on the Employee Performance variable. The Compensation variable mediates the relationship between the Career Development variable and the Employee Performance variable. The compensation variable does not mediate the relationship between the training variable and the employee performance variableRead More