Title: Pengenalan Ekonomi Berbasis Syariah (Edukasi Kepada Masyarakat Kelurahan Bantan Kota Pematangsiantar)
Abstract:The purpose of Islamic economics and Islamic banking education activities is so that the public can know more about what Islamic banking is and how it differs from conventional banks. The results of t...The purpose of Islamic economics and Islamic banking education activities is so that the public can know more about what Islamic banking is and how it differs from conventional banks. The results of the survey to the public indicate that public knowledge about Islamic economics or Islamic banking is still low, namely at the level of knowledge, where people only know about Islamic economics or the existence of Islamic banks but do not know more about Islamic banks, especially the products found in bank sharia. People assume that the difference between Islamic banks and conventional banks lies in the interest, but people also do not fully believe that Islamic banks are free from usury. The results of educational services regarding sharia economics and sharia banking to the community of Bantan Village, Siantar Barat District, Pematangsiantar City show that the lack of public knowledge is due to the absence of socialization and product offerings from the Islamic bank itself, besides the distance or long access is also one of the problems one reason.Read More