Title: A first asteroseismological analysis on WD J1916+3938, the ZZ Ceti star discovered in the Kepler mission field
Abstract:Asteroseismology of DAV stars (ZZ Ceti variables) can provide valuable clues about the origin, structure and evolution of DA (atmospheres rich in H) white dwarfs. Recently, a new DAV star, WD J191643....Asteroseismology of DAV stars (ZZ Ceti variables) can provide valuable clues about the origin, structure and evolution of DA (atmospheres rich in H) white dwarfs. Recently, a new DAV star, WD J191643.83+393849.7, has been discovered in the field of the Kepler spacecraft. It is expected that further monitoring of this star in the next years will enable astronomers to obtain the best lightcurve of a pulsating DA white dwarf ever recorded, and thus to know with unprecedented precision the hidden details of the internal structure of this star. In this paper, we perform a first asteroseismological analysis of WD J191643.83+393849.7 on the basis of fully evolutionary DA white-dwarf models. Specifically, we employ a complete set of evolutionary DA white-dwarf structures covering a wide range of effective temperatures, stellar masses, and H envelope thicknesses. These models have been obtained on the basis of a complete treatment of the evolutionary history of progenitors stars. We compute g-mode adiabatic pulsation periods for this set of models and compare them with the pulsation periods exhibited by WD J191643.83+393849.7. Based on a tentative estimation of the mean period spacing of the star, we find that the stellar mass should be substantially large ($\gtrsim 0.80 M_{\odot}$), in agreement with the spectroscopically derived stellar mass. Also, from period-to-period fits we find an asteroseismological model characterised by a low effective temperature, rather high stellar mass and a thin H envelope. The possibility that this rather massive pulsating white dwarf can be further monitored with Kepler with a high degree of detail turns the star WD J191643.83+393849.7 into a promising and unique object to study the physics of crystallization and carbon/oxygen phase diagrams at high densities. ALL THIS ANALYSIS IS OUTDATED AND INVALIDRead More