Title: Obstacle and Road Lane Detection using Python and Artificial Neural Network
Abstract:Object or vehicle detection is an essential component with the detection of lanes.Researchers have suggested a number of methods to improve vehicle and lane detection, but doing so successfully in a w...Object or vehicle detection is an essential component with the detection of lanes.Researchers have suggested a number of methods to improve vehicle and lane detection, but doing so successfully in a wide range of settings remains a significant challenge.This study presented an Open CV-based technique for detecting vehicles and lanes, since the inadequate anti-interference capacity of the conventional detection algorithm no longer suffices for the vehicle system.Images collected by cameras serve as the primary input for the system, allowing it to identify moving objects, people, and lanes so that it can follow the borders of the road.Open CV library functions, the R camera, and Python code were used to put the idea of image processing into practice.This approach is reliable for road detection even under difficult conditions.The proposed method can show the results to detect both the curves and straight lanes correctly also detect vehicles.And avoid the collision.It can meet the vehicle system requirements.Read More