Title: A Escola Paulista e a função social da arquitetura: projetos escolares entre 1959 e 1975
Abstract:The social question of architecture has permeated various understandings in the history of modern architecture.The Brazilian architecture faced the formation of a current called Escola Paulista in the...The social question of architecture has permeated various understandings in the history of modern architecture.The Brazilian architecture faced the formation of a current called Escola Paulista in the second half of the 1950s, whose greatest architect was Vilanova Artigas.However, several other architects have formulated proposals and produced public buildings, among which educational buildings have stood out.This article discusses the paths and discourses of the social question in modern architecture in national and international scopes and their varied architectural conceptions, investigating the place of the school building in the construction of industrial society.Studies were conducted in eight modern buildings towards understanding the way the social dimension presented in school projects developed by architects who identified themselves with Escola Paulista, during the Plano de Ação do Governo do Estado -PAGE (beginning in 1959) and the Fundo Estadual de Construções Escolares -FECE (until 1975) in the state of São Paulo.The methodology is based on historiographical and architectural research and involves bibliographic studies, readings of architectural projects and technical documentation, and investigations of the school buildings.Analyses conducted in eight public schools designed and built in the state of São Paulo employed drawings as an investigative tool and elaboration of diagrams of spatial organization, uses, and routes for identifying the elements that structured the architectural space, interpreting the way the social function was present in the projects developed by the architects of Escola Paulista.Read More