Title: Tunneling and Revival of Anderson Localization in Bose-Einstein Condensate
Abstract:We provide an analytical model to fabricate an exponential localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate under bichromatic optical lattice. Such localization is famously known as Anderson localization. T...We provide an analytical model to fabricate an exponential localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate under bichromatic optical lattice. Such localization is famously known as Anderson localization. The degree of localization is investigated by the Participation Ratio to recognize the laser parameter domain for Anderson localization. The exponential nature of the localization is proved, where we also identify the Localization Length. The tunneling of Anderson-localized condensate with time is observed, and the revival phenomenon of Anderson localization is reported. Slowing down of Anderson localization is noticed for higher laser intensity. We also study the dynamical and structural stability of the condensate during Anderson localization, which suggests the preferred values of laser power and time instance to encounter minimal mean difference in the presence of noise.Read More