Title: Palynology of the Laki sediments in Kutch - 3. Pollen from the bore-holes around Jhulrai, Baranda and Panandhro
Abstract:The present paper deals with the pollen grains recorded from ten bore-holes around Jhulrai. Baranda and Panandhro drilled through the Laki sediments in the district of Kutch, Cujarat State, India. The...The present paper deals with the pollen grains recorded from ten bore-holes around Jhulrai. Baranda and Panandhro drilled through the Laki sediments in the district of Kutch, Cujarat State, India. The palynological assemblage comprises 43 dispersed genera and 68 species. Out of these 7 genera, viz, Dracaenoipollis, Verrucolporites, Striacolporites, Pellicieroipollis, Meliapollis, Ghoshiacolpites and Thymelaepollis and 33 species are new.
 The palynological assemblage reflects a predominance of angiospermic pollen. The gymnospermous pollen are very rare and represented by Callialasporites, Laricoidites, Araucariacites and Podocarpidites. Among the angiosperms, dicotyledonous pollen dominates over the monocotyledonous both in variety as well as in numbers. The mono-cotyledon are represented by genera like Monosulcites, Liliacidites and Palmaepollenites. Umbelliferoipollenites, Margocolporites, Stephanocolpites and Polycolpites, representing the dicotyledonous plants, are also well represented in the assemblage. A few pollen genera, viz. Sonneratiopollis and Pellicieroipollis, closely comparable to some of the extant pollen of mangroves, have also been recovered.Read More