Title: Sasaki Gesshō’s Views on Jizō Sūtras and Jizō Worship
Abstract:This paper examines the views on Jizō (Kṣitigarbha) sūtras and Jizō worship expounded in the writings of Sasaki Gesshō 佐々木月樵 (1875-1926) and brings into relief his focus on the realities of the presen...This paper examines the views on Jizō (Kṣitigarbha) sūtras and Jizō worship expounded in the writings of Sasaki Gesshō 佐々木月樵 (1875-1926) and brings into relief his focus on the realities of the present life in this world 現世, 此土. Sasaki, a Shin Buddhist priest of the Ōtani sect and a disciple of Kiyozawa Manshi 清沢満之 (1863-1906), noted that the teachings found in Jizō sūtras comprise a “vehicle for humans and gods” 人天乗, a skillful means 方便 to ultimately lead followers to the Pure Land teachings 浄土教 of Amitābha or Maitreya. However, he emphasized the significance of the doctrine of karmic retribution found in Jizō sūtras as strictly and unwaveringly focused on wholesome and unwholesome deeds and salvation from their retribution in this life on earth. Considering that Sasakiʼs examination of what he called “popular sūtras” 民衆経典 including Jizō sūtras was a part of his effort to remake Buddhism into a modern religion, his focus on the reality of the world around us and our present life provides insight into how we may make Buddhism more relevant for us today.Read More