Title: Retraction: The Reversible Fourth-Generation EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor OBX02-011 Overcomes C797S-Mediated Resistance in Lung Cancer
Abstract:This article (1) has been retracted at the request of the authors. The accepted version of the article included the complete structure of OBX02-011 in keeping with AACR editorial policy and was publis...This article (1) has been retracted at the request of the authors. The accepted version of the article included the complete structure of OBX02-011 in keeping with AACR editorial policy and was published online on June 14, 2022. The authors subsequently decided not to disclose the complete structure (2) and requested to have the article retracted. The authors apologize to the scientific community and deeply regret any inconveniences or challenges resulting from the publication and subsequent retraction of this article.A copy of this retraction notice was sent to the last known email addresses for 20 of the 20 authors. A total of 13 authors (Yun Jung Choi, Da-Som Kim, Dong Ha Kim, Hyeonjeong Lee, Chae Won Lee, Sung-Eun Kim, Sunho Lee, Yun Jeong Kong, Rajesh Rengasamy, Wonjun Ji, Chang-Min Choi, Jae Cheol Lee, Jin Kyung Rho) agreed to the retraction; seven authors (Young Hoon Sung, Kyungtaek Im, Jeongin Cho, Joongkee Min, Dong-Cheol Woo, Hyung Chul Ryu, Jae-Sun Kim) did not respond.Read More