Title: Gels, Aerogels and Hydrogels: A Challenge for the Cellulose-Based Product Industries
Abstract:During recent decades, the interest in renewable, biodegradable, non-fossil materials has been exponentially increasing. Thus, cellulose and cellulose-derived products have been extensively considered...During recent decades, the interest in renewable, biodegradable, non-fossil materials has been exponentially increasing. Thus, cellulose and cellulose-derived products have been extensively considered for a wide variety of new potential uses. Due to the sustainability of cellulosic raw materials and their excellent properties, the use and modification of cellulose-based materials can be versatile in the material science and technology community. In this featured article, the fundamentals and background of cellulose-based gels are presented, and approaches, prospects and developments in the field, including their potential future applications, are discussed.Read More
Title: $Gels, Aerogels and Hydrogels: A Challenge for the Cellulose-Based Product Industries
Abstract: During recent decades, the interest in renewable, biodegradable, non-fossil materials has been exponentially increasing. Thus, cellulose and cellulose-derived products have been extensively considered for a wide variety of new potential uses. Due to the sustainability of cellulosic raw materials and their excellent properties, the use and modification of cellulose-based materials can be versatile in the material science and technology community. In this featured article, the fundamentals and background of cellulose-based gels are presented, and approaches, prospects and developments in the field, including their potential future applications, are discussed.