Title: Normalization of the Ground State of the Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator
Abstract:Supersymmetry plays a main role in all current thinking about superstring theory. Indeed, many remarkable properties of string theory have been explained using supersymmetry as a tool. So far, there h...Supersymmetry plays a main role in all current thinking about superstring theory. Indeed, many remarkable properties of string theory have been explained using supersymmetry as a tool. So far, there has been no unbroken supersymmetry observed in nature, and if nature is described by supersymmetry, it must be broken. Supersymmetry may be broken spontaneously at any order of perturbation theory or dynamically due to nonperturbative effects. To examine the methods of supersymmetry breaking, special attention is given to discuss the normalization of the ground state of the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator. This study explains that perturbation theory gives incorrect results for both the ground-state wave function and the energy spectrum and it fails to give an explanation to the supersymmetry breaking.Read More