Title: On the Octonion-like Associative Division Algebra
Abstract:Using elementary linear algebra, this paper clarifies and proves some concepts about a recently introduced octonion-like associative division algebra over R. This octonion-like algebra is actually the...Using elementary linear algebra, this paper clarifies and proves some concepts about a recently introduced octonion-like associative division algebra over R. This octonion-like algebra is actually the same as the split-biquaternion algebra, an even subalgebra of Clifford algebra Cl(4,0). For two seminorms described in the paper, it is shown that the octonion-like algebra is a seminormed composition algebra over R. Moreover, additional results related to the computation of inverse numbers in the octonion-like algebra are introduced, showing that the octonion-like algebra is a seminormed division algebra over R, i.e., division by any number is possible as long as the two seminorms are non-zero. Additional results on normalization of octonion-like numbers and some involutions are also presented. The elementary linear algebra descriptions used in the paper also allow straightforward software implementations of the octonion-like algebra.Read More