Title: Age and Reproductive Biology of Bream, Acanthobrama thisbeae (Freyhof&Özuluğ, 2014) a New Endemic Species in Sır Reservoir, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Abstract:In this study growth and reproductive biology of endemic and new species Acanthobrama thisbeae in Sır Reservoir were investigated. The population were composed of 80.6% female and 19.40 % male individ...In this study growth and reproductive biology of endemic and new species Acanthobrama thisbeae in Sır Reservoir were investigated. The population were composed of 80.6% female and 19.40 % male individuals. The individuals' total lengths (mm) and total weights (g) varied between 130.4 to 260.5 mm and 12.92 to 203.89 g, respectively. Age groups 2 to 8 were identified in the population and the majority of the sample was between 130 to 180 mm (80.22%). The length-weight relationship for all samples was W= 0.0000003*TL3.7265 with b value was significantly (p<0.001). The mean condition factors were 1.011±0.17 (n:263) between females and males. In observations of monthly changes, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the monthly frequency distribution spawning period were determined between April and June. Mean fecundity was 3574 egg/fish on mature individuals in reproductive periods. In addition, A. thisbeae individuals in Sır Reservoir were observed to be under the pressure of exotic species such as Liza abu and Carassius gibelio.Read More