Title: Commodification of the Sexuality in Kim Kardashian’s Instagram Posts
Abstract:Kim Kardashian is the most famous people on the Earth that is worshipped by many people, including teenage girls, although she has no particular talent to justify her fame, she is entertaining in some...Kim Kardashian is the most famous people on the Earth that is worshipped by many people, including teenage girls, although she has no particular talent to justify her fame, she is entertaining in some way. This research discuss Instagram posts of Kim Kardashian through Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen social semiotics for visual texts, Michael Halliday’s transitivity system for written texts, Michael Foucault’s panopticon concept in poststructuralism, and Jean Baudrillard’s hyperreality. It reveals that Kim Kardashian’s Instagram posts represent the discipline of body and sexuality when her portrayals began to be evaluated based on normative standard of society nor selling value of capitalist system.Read More