Title: An in Vitro Study of Chinese Goldthread as a Natural Cleaning Agent When Compared to a QAC Containing Agent on E. coli.
Abstract:Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCMs) have been used for centuries for their wide array of properties. Studies conducted on these properties have shown especially strong antibacterial properties, specif...Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCMs) have been used for centuries for their wide array of properties. Studies conducted on these properties have shown especially strong antibacterial properties, specifically for a TCM named Chinese Goldthread rhizome. Conversely, Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are toxic ingredients in cleaning products that are used to kill microorganisms that lead to adverse health effects in humans. With this, studies involving the ability of Chinese Goldthread rhizome to be used in a cleaning product because of its antibacterial properties as a replacement for QACs are absent. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness over time of Chinese Goldthread on a strand of a bacteria that is present on hard surfaces against a QAC containing agent. By using an experimental method, both qualitative and quantitative data has been yielded. Positive results have added to the current body of knowledge in the scientific field, and added the possibility of a more natural approach to toxic cleaning ingredients.Read More