Title: Potential Learning Sources for the Material of Biodiversity in Grade X High School Biology at Ijo Ancient Volcano in Kulon Progo
Abstract:The environment as a biology learning source has not been broadly used by teachers in the learning process, particularly for high school students.One possible area to be used as a high school biology ...The environment as a biology learning source has not been broadly used by teachers in the learning process, particularly for high school students.One possible area to be used as a high school biology learning source is Ijo Ancient Volcano located in Kulon Progo and Purworejo Regencies.The purpose of this study is to identify the types of herbaceous stratum vegetation with the greatest and smallest roles based on their importance value index (IV), the diversity index of herbaceous species, relationships of measurable abiotic environmental conditions with herbaceous stand grouping patterns, and the potential of the research results as a learning source for the material of biodiversity in grade X high school biology.The method used for data collection is point intercept.The vegetation parameters measured comprise dominance, frequency, relative dominance, relative frequency, and IV.The herbaceous species diversity index was calculated using the Shannon-Wiener formula.Cluster analysis was employed to determine the relationships between measurable abiotic conditions and the clustering patterns of the herbaceous stands.A descriptive method was used to assess the potential of this study's results as a biology learning source.The results show that the herbaceous species with the greatest role by IV was Oplismenus burmanii (66.38%), and the smallest role was that of Calocasia esculenta (0.34%).The diversity index of herbaceous vegetation species ranged between 0.10 and 0.12.The grouping of herbaceous stands was dIVded into two patterns.The abiotic environmental conditions related to the stand patterns of herbaceous plants were air humidity, soil moisture, soil temperature, soil pH, and light intensity, while air temperature did not correlate with the grouping patterns of herbaceous stands.The descriptive study indicates that the results of this study have the potential to be a grade X high school biology learning source for the material of biodiversity ecosystem level.Read More