Title: Wanda Wayang Kulit Surakarta in Perspective Visual Communication Design
Abstract:Wanda is a depiction of the face or facial features of a character in wayang kulit purwa.Wanda's function is as an embodiment of the character and basic character of the characters in wayang performan...Wanda is a depiction of the face or facial features of a character in wayang kulit purwa.Wanda's function is as an embodiment of the character and basic character of the characters in wayang performances.This article aims to examine the form of Surakarta shadow puppets, especially the Pandawa Lima figures.This research method uses a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach that examines the form and function of the Surakarta-style wayang kulit.This research procedure begins with collecting data through literacy sources, digital information media, and interviews with the puppeteers' Ki Tantut Sutanto and Ki Hari Noto Carito (Suharyanto, S, Sn.) a puppeteer and puppet practitioner from Klaten Surakarta.This study resulted in the findings of the elements and principles of visual communication design contained in the Pandawa Lima Surakarta puppet theater.The implication is that the study of Wanda's wayang kulit is very interesting and important in the development of visual communication related to innovation and creativity based on local wisdom.Read More