Title: Therapeutic and diagnostic arthroscopy of the hip joint (first experience)
Abstract:The experience in therapeutic diagnostic hip arthroscopy is presented. Hip arthroscopy was performed in 11 patients, aged 3-11 years. There were 5 patients with congenital hip joint dislocation, 3 pat...The experience in therapeutic diagnostic hip arthroscopy is presented. Hip arthroscopy was performed in 11 patients, aged 3-11 years. There were 5 patients with congenital hip joint dislocation, 3 patients with Legg-Kalve-Perthes disease, 2 patients with deforming coxarthrosis and 1 patient with pathologic hip dislocation. The original technique for hip arthroscopy is suggested. High efficacy of arthroscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of intraarticular hip pathology is shown.Read More