Title: Productivity of Althaea officinalis L. when using growth regulators and drop irrigation
Abstract:Studies have been conducted to establish the influence of plant growth regulators and drip irrigation on the productivity of marshmallow in the first year of the growing season. It was found that the ...Studies have been conducted to establish the influence of plant growth regulators and drip irrigation on the productivity of marshmallow in the first year of the growing season. It was found that the increase in dry grass yield from the use of growth regulators ranged from 0.15 t/ha to 0.88 t/ha without irrigation. In the variants with the use of irrigation, the increase in yield ranged from 0.29 t/ha to 1.16 t/ha. It was found that the yield of dry roots without irrigation with the use of growth regulators increased by 0.05–0.42 t/ha compared to the option without the introduction of growth regulators (control). Under irrigation conditions, the use of growth regulators helped to increase the yield of dried roots of marshmallow by 0.12 0.47 t/ha relative to control. The highest productivity of marshmallow grass was obtained with the application of Emistin and Vimpel, where the yield was 4.69 and 4.88 t/ha without irrigation, in the variants with irrigation the yield was 7.31 and 7.44 t/ha of dry raw materials. The highest yield of dried marshmallow roots without irrigation was in the variants with the application of Vimpel and Potassium Humate where it was 1.89 and 1.95 t/ha. Under irrigation conditions, the highest root yield of 2.22–2.34 t/ha was obtained in the variants with the introduction of Emistin, Potassium Humate and Vimpel. The study of the effect of drip irrigation on the yield of dry raw material of marshmallow showed a positive effect, on average, the increase in yield from the use of irrigation was 2.5 t/ha of grass and 0.39 t/ha of roots. In a study of the influence of growth regulators on the share of leaves in raw materials, it was found that without irrigation among the studied options, the percentage of leaves ranged from 43.5 to 46.7%. The use of Sodium Humate provided the raw material with the largest share of leaves. The smallest share of leaves was under the control and with the introduction of growth regulators of Potassium Humate and Emistin. Under irrigation, the share of leaves in raw materials ranged from 42.9 to 47.1%. The lowest percentage of leaves in the raw material was recorded in the version with the introduction of the growth regulator of Potassium Humate, the highest percentage of leaves was in the version with the introduction of Pennant.Read More