Title: Stagewise Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease and Diet Plan Recommendation
Abstract:Abstract: Chronic kidney disease means gradual loss in functioning of kidney. Undiagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease can be identified, predicting the patient condition and its prevention with machine Lea...Abstract: Chronic kidney disease means gradual loss in functioning of kidney. Undiagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease can be identified, predicting the patient condition and its prevention with machine Learning Techniques. Accurate analytical models can be formed by medical practices, which decreases consequences hence gradually progresses specifications. To estimate Chronic Kidney Disease and to identify the stages in it. Dietary plan will be recommended based on the stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. There are no symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease at earlier stages and if the disease remains unrectified then it can lead to kidney failure. Manual examination of Chronic Kidney Disease is a possible solution however it is dependent on human errors. Detecting Chronic Kidney Disease at early stage can help doctor to give better medication and patient may recovers soon.Read More