Title: A Review on the Cause, Advantages, Challenges, and Future of Media Convergence
Abstract:Individuals’ lifestyles have become increasingly dependent on media convergence. Human careers have been made more manageable, and their access to media has increased because of technological advancem...Individuals’ lifestyles have become increasingly dependent on media convergence. Human careers have been made more manageable, and their access to media has increased because of technological advancements in television, the Internet, and mobile communication. However, the idea of whether or not media convergence offers benefits and problems to the industry around the world must be questioned. Radio and entertainment companies have difficulty integrating media because of various issues, including dwindling broadcaster personalities, shifting media discourses, and rapid advances in AI. However, media convergence must contend with the economic advantages and changes brought by an expanding audience; the present media technology advancements; and the public’s increased literacy, impact, and direct communication. Convergence innovation and development are prevented by a unique broadcasting and hosting method, a new media development process, and an expansion of media cultural network capacity. Finally, the media convergence industry’s future development prospects in the age of fusion media are forecasted. Keywords: advantage ; cause; challenge future trend; media convergenceRead More