Title: Impatiens katjae, a New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Central Myanmar
Abstract:A new species, Impatiens katjae Nob. Tanaka & J. J. Verm. (Balsaminaceae), from Mandalay Region, central Myanmar, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to I. oblongata Ruchis. &...A new species, Impatiens katjae Nob. Tanaka & J. J. Verm. (Balsaminaceae), from Mandalay Region, central Myanmar, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to I. oblongata Ruchis. & Niet in floral morphology, but differs in having distinctly smaller flowers, 2-flowered axillary inflorescences, much paler pinkish-white flowers, two lateral sepals, and a spurless lower sepal. This new species is assigned to Impatiens L. subg. Impatiens sect. Uniflorae Hook. f. & Thomson.Read More