Title: Progress and Future of Resource Geology as Mineral Sciences
Abstract:Both the history of resource development and the progress of studies of mining and ore deposits in Japan are summarized. Researchers and engineers promoting in studies on ore deposits and resource geo...Both the history of resource development and the progress of studies of mining and ore deposits in Japan are summarized. Researchers and engineers promoting in studies on ore deposits and resource geology are also reviewed, focusing on Professors Takeo Kato, Takeo Watanabe, Tatsuo Tatsumi, and J. Toshimichi Iiyama as well as other staffs of the Third Professorship, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Mineralogy, geology and geochemistry are essential for an understanding of resource geology. It is revealed that mineralogy plays an important role in studies on ore deposits and resource geology. Future directions of studies on ore deposits and resource geology are proposed.Read More