Title: ELSA- A Novel Technique to Predict Parkinson's Disease in Bio-Facial Recognition System
Abstract:In the recent times, medical system needs the intelligent system for the recognition of the diseases.Since, nearly 50% of the people are unaware about the body change which reflects in terms of the sy...In the recent times, medical system needs the intelligent system for the recognition of the diseases.Since, nearly 50% of the people are unaware about the body change which reflects in terms of the symptoms, or even it leads to the fatal end.Several techniques were invented for the pre-diagnosis of the diseases, but still it remains in the darker side of the research.Hence we propose the new technique called ELSA (Efficient Linear Selection of Adaptive Features) which works on the principle of the different adaptive features extracted based on the principle of ELB (Effective Local Binary Patterns), SIFT(Scale Invariant feature Transforms), GLCM(Gray Scale Covariance Matrix) on the different facial recognition system based on the SNR measured at Inputs, which are then tested with the different classifiers such as the Naïve Bayes Classifier, Neural Networks, Extreme Learning Machines (ELM) out which the ELSA along with the Extreme learning machine proves to be more accurate when compared to the other classifiers.Read More