Title: A List of the Plants collected by K. Inami in Hu-nan, Hu-peh, and Kiang-si
Abstract:forma glabriuscula f. n.Hab. .The form differs from var. tomentosa Max. by having the back of the leaves almost smooth.In the type sepals are numerous (20-30) as the fig.cited represents, but in var.t...forma glabriuscula f. n.Hab. .The form differs from var. tomentosa Max. by having the back of the leaves almost smooth.In the type sepals are numerous (20-30) as the fig.cited represents, but in var.tomentosa and also in the present form f£ glabriuscula, they are 5-7.Isopyrum sp.Herb, 12dm.high, branching, gracile, pubescent, leaves canline ternate, petiole short, sitpules adnate, leaflets 3Read More