Title: History of English Translations and its Influence on Nepali Literature
Abstract:Translation has been one of the instrumental factors in enriching the Nepali Polysystem from its inception.The translation of the Adhyatma Ramayana by Bhanu Bhakta Acharya helped to establish the lite...Translation has been one of the instrumental factors in enriching the Nepali Polysystem from its inception.The translation of the Adhyatma Ramayana by Bhanu Bhakta Acharya helped to establish the literary culture in Nepali language.Since then Nepali literary culture has been borrowing various other genres, themes and aspects from English language.Regardless of these, translation has been looked down as a secondary process; hence the paper would explore the variegated translations from English into Nepali which has enriched the target culture.Therefore, the paper would provide the lists of translations which have been done in Nepali from English.The range of translation is limited to few genres: Poetry, Novels, Short Stories and Drama.Read More